Heirloom Roses provides the highest quality rose bushes that are grown on their own roots£¬ resulting in a live rose bush that is far superior to grafted roses. The benefits is a plant that will have more flowers and blooms£¬ have increased hardiness to cold and sickness£¬ and stay true to variety during its long life after being planted in your garden or pot. Arctic Blue is a rose bush that is exceptionally drought tolerant and produces fully double£¬ lilac pink blooms with a creamy white reverse. Beautiful£¬ frilly£¬ unique flowers contrast with medium green foliage. 3″-4″ blooms are borne in clusters. Fantastic colored petals hold up well£¬ even in high heat. Moderate fruity to citrus-like fragrance. This is one not to be missed!
- Own Root – All of our roses at Heirloom Roses are own root£¬ which means they will produce more blooms£¬ be more hardy£¬ and stay true to variety throughout their lifetimes£¬ contrary to grafted roses.
- One Gallon – All of our roses are 12-16 months old and are delivered in one gallon containers with rich soil.
- Hardiness Zones – 5-9
- Moderately Fragrant
- Approximate Size – 4′-5′ x 3-4′ – This is the general size of the rose bush when it reaches full maturity. Upon delivery£¬ roses will be approximately 12-15 inches tall.?
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