HOSTA: It is difficult to find a garden that is without this versitile East Asian native. Lush foliage in diverse colors£¬ heights and textures£¬ coupled with its ability to excel in deep shade have captured gardeners�Æ hearts everywhere. Large hosta with heart-shaped dark-green leaves edged with broad cream-white margins. A cross with Hosta Blue Umbrellas. Unequaled for their beautiful foliage£¬ low care£¬ and many landscape uses. Hosta provide bright color in the shade with handsome£¬ broad£¬ ribbed foliage in many colors. Very showy from early spring until late fall. Excellent for shade£¬ sun or partial shade….they don’t need dividing. Grown even in moist locations. Plant 72″ apart. They take about 1 year to establish themselves.
Blazing Saddles Hosta – NEW! – Large Hosta! – Live Plant – Quart Pot
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